[불임일기] 시험관 시술 신선 2차 총정리 3편/1차피검사/2차피검사 더블링성공/어린이집확인/임신증상/태몽/태명/비용 (동탄제일어린이희망의원)

(기록형(일기 형식의 글) 관심분야가 아닌 분들은 지루할 수 있으니 그냥 건너뛰세요: D) (기록형(일기 형식의 글) 관심분야가 아닌 분들은 지루할 수 있으니 건너뛰어주세요 :D)

b0n13_4nd_clyd3, 출처 앰플래쉬 b0n13_4nd_clyd3, 출처 앰플래쉬


2023. 11. 81차 피검사일(2차 시작 후 병원방문 6회차) 2023. 11. 81차 피검사일(2차 시작 후 병원방문 6회차)



nbb_photos, 출처 앰플래쉬 nbb_photos, 출처 앰플래쉬

1차 혈액검사의 연락 대기, 그리고 결과 1차 혈액검사의 연락 대기, 그리고 결과

혈액검사를 하고 집에 돌아온 뒤 결과 전화가 올 때까지 너무 조급했고, 괜히 더 시간을 안 보고 이것저것 보면서 늦게 흐르는 시간을 나름대로 빨리 흘러가도록 노력했다. 그러던 중 오후 12시 12분 전화벨이 울리며 두근거리는 마음으로 전화를 받았다. 오늘 혈액검사 수치 106으로 안내돼 100이 넘으면 안정권이라고 해 이틀 뒤에 내원하라고 했다. 미리 알아본 후기를 봤을 때 다른 사람들에 비해 약간 턱걸이 같은 느낌이라 조금 아쉬웠지만 100을 넘었다는 것에 한 산은 넘었구나 하는 생각이… 너무 좋았어. 100이 넘었다는 소식에 신랑도 무척 기뻐했고, 100이 넘어도 화유나 자궁외 임신에 대한 안심이 될 시기가 아니었기 때문에 기쁨의 감정을 온전히 느끼지는 못했던 것 같다. 혈액검사를 하고 집에 돌아온 뒤 결과 전화가 올 때까지 너무 조급했고, 괜히 더 시간을 안 보고 이것저것 보면서 늦게 흐르는 시간을 나름대로 빨리 흘러가도록 노력했다. 그러던 중 오후 12시 12분 전화벨이 울리며 두근거리는 마음으로 전화를 받았다. 오늘 혈액검사 수치 106으로 안내돼 100이 넘으면 안정권이라고 해 이틀 뒤에 내원하라고 했다. 미리 알아본 후기를 봤을 때 다른 사람들에 비해 약간 턱걸이 같은 느낌이라 조금 아쉬웠지만 100을 넘었다는 것에 한 산은 넘었구나 하는 생각이… 너무 좋았어. 100이 넘었다는 소식에 신랑도 무척 기뻐했고, 100이 넘어도 화유나 자궁외 임신에 대한 안심이 될 시기가 아니었기 때문에 기쁨의 감정을 온전히 느끼지는 못했던 것 같다.


nci,출처Unsplash nci,출처Unsplash

2023. 11. 102차 피검사일(2차 시작 후 병원방문 7회차) 2023. 11. 102차 피검사일(2차 시작 후 병원방문 7회차)

2차 혈액검사를 위해 이틀 만에 다시 병원을 찾았다. 1차 혈액검사 수치는 안정권이라는 이야기를 원장님께 한 번 더 듣고 더블링 수치가 중요하다는 안내를 받았고, 더블링이 잘 됐다면 일주일 후에 내원하면 되고, 더블링이 잘 안 됐다면 한 번 더 혈액검사를 해야 할 수도 있다고 말씀하셨다. 혈액검사 후 프롤텍스 주사와 질정, 아스피린을 7일치 더 처방받고 집으로 돌아갔다. 2차 혈액검사를 위해 이틀 만에 다시 병원을 찾았다. 1차 혈액검사 수치는 안정권이라는 이야기를 원장님께 한 번 더 듣고 더블링 수치가 중요하다는 안내를 받았고, 더블링이 잘 됐다면 일주일 후에 내원하면 되고, 더블링이 잘 안 됐다면 한 번 더 혈액검사를 해야 할 수도 있다고 말씀하셨다. 혈액검사 후 프롤텍스 주사와 질정, 아스피린을 7일치 더 처방받고 집으로 돌아갔다.


danielfazio, 출처 Unsplash danielfazio, 출처 Unsplash

Waiting to hear from you for the second blood test, and the results Waiting to hear from you for the second blood test, and the results

I’ve been waiting more nervous than when I had the first examination. No matter how determined and determined to keep the joy from floating, expectations and hopes seemed to grow unknowingly every time they went through a process. At this rate, I was afraid that I would be greatly disappointed and frustrated again. At 12:28, the phone rang and congratulated me on my successful doubling at 223. The figure seemed too tight, but the pregnancy celebration seemed to make me feel better. I don’t know if it’s really good··· I don’t know if this is really a pregnancy… I can’t believe it. What if it’s not a normal pregnancy… I couldn’t get rid of my worries. I can’t be relieved until the end just because I’m getting milked or ectopic pregnancy, but I decided to enjoy today’s happy feelings. I’ve been waiting more nervous than when I had the first examination. No matter how determined and determined to keep the joy from floating, expectations and hopes seemed to grow unknowingly every time they went through a process. At this rate, I was afraid that I would be greatly disappointed and frustrated again. At 12:28, the phone rang and congratulated me on my successful doubling at 223. The figure seemed too tight, but the pregnancy celebration seemed to make me feel better. I don’t know if it’s really good··· I don’t know if this is really a pregnancy… I can’t believe it. What if it’s not a normal pregnancy… I couldn’t get rid of my worries. I can’t be relieved until the end just because I’m getting milked or ectopic pregnancy, but I decided to enjoy today’s happy feelings.


2023.11.17 (8th visit to the hospital after the second start) Date of seeing the first ultrasound after transplantation: Check the baby’s house (5 weeks and 2 days) Baby who came to our couple with the first snow ♡ 2023.11.17 (8th visit to the hospital after the second start) Date of seeing the first ultrasound after transplantation (5 weeks and 2 days)

The first and second blood tests first confirmed pregnancy, and it is a day when ultrasound is seen to determine whether there are normal pregnancies such as ectopic pregnancy or signs of chemical miscarriage. As usual, I was still nervous and trembling on this day, and today, I waited for the treatment several times in a hurry because I was worried about the penetration of brown blood the previous day, but it was a day when I was in a hurry because the waiting time was longer. As it was an ultrasound that hung whether the embryo was well implanted in the uterus, I waited with excitement to see if I could get rid of the concerns of ectopic pregnancy from today or whether I could cross such a big mountain. It was not the first ultrasound in my life, but I was nervous and lay down looking at the ultrasound screen because it was my first ultrasound since the transplant. As soon as the director came in and saw the ultrasound, a small baby’s house was found. Although the yolk is not clearly visible due to frequent implantation in the uterus, it is not a time to observe the yolk, so he said he would look at the heart a week later and meet again, and he said it was okay for the brown blood from the previous day to bleed. The groom didn’t want to be a high-risk mother because she was too old to have twins, but I thought it might be hard for them to have a successful test tube anyway, so I wanted to have three embryos, but I’m just a fetus, so I’m a little disappointed.. Since the transplant was successful at once, it was the moment I won the lottery, and I was so grateful for the joy. I quickly took an ultrasound photo with my cell phone camera while waiting for a while until I got an ultrasound photo and made an appointment for medical treatment. And the groom, who was desperately waiting for him, read it and got in touch with him. The groom was so happy that he had so many things to worry about with his excited voice. We couldn’t even see the yolk clearly, so we didn’t ease our anxiety a little, but once we had a test tube, we couldn’t feel happy because we were able to shake off the fear of chemical miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy. I decided to get another injection of beans on the day of transplantation today. After receiving seven days’ worth of prolatex, vaginal tablets, and aspirin prescriptions again, she booked a pregnancy certificate for five weeks and two days after coming to the hospital next week and received a bean injection for more than an hour. On July 17, when my favorite numbers were full, the scheduled date of giving birth to our baby was also a very beautiful day, and when I came out after receiving medical treatment, it was a very beautiful first snow day. The first day I checked my baby’s house after the transplant, I didn’t know it was going to snow so beautifully··· Heaven seemed to bless my pregnancy. The day the baby came to our couple with the first snow ♡ It remained a really meaningful day. “Thank you, boy!” Thank you so much for coming to my mom and dad as beautiful as the first snow~ “Every moment of Power F was a happy and meaningful moment, and it was the day I came home muttering like a crazy woman in the car, laughing and crying repeatedly. The first and second blood tests first confirmed pregnancy, and it is a day when ultrasound is seen to determine whether there are normal pregnancies such as ectopic pregnancy or signs of chemical miscarriage. As usual, I was still nervous and trembling on this day, and today, I waited for the treatment several times in a hurry because I was worried about the penetration of brown blood the previous day, but it was a day when I was in a hurry because the waiting time was longer. As it was an ultrasound that hung whether the embryo was well implanted in the uterus, I waited with excitement to see if I could get rid of the concerns of ectopic pregnancy from today or whether I could cross such a big mountain. It was not the first ultrasound in my life, but I was nervous and lay down looking at the ultrasound screen because it was my first ultrasound since the transplant. As soon as the director came in and saw the ultrasound, a small baby’s house was found. Although the yolk is not clearly visible due to frequent implantation in the uterus, it is not a time to observe the yolk, so he said he would look at the heart a week later and meet again, and he said it was okay for the brown blood from the previous day to bleed. The groom didn’t want to be a high-risk mother because she was too old to have twins, but I thought it might be hard for them to have a successful test tube anyway, so I wanted to have three embryos, but I’m just a fetus, so I’m a little disappointed.. Since the transplant was successful at once, it was the moment I won the lottery, and I was so grateful for the joy. I quickly took an ultrasound photo with my cell phone camera while waiting for a while until I got an ultrasound photo and made an appointment for medical treatment. And the groom, who was desperately waiting for him, read it and got in touch with him. The groom was so happy that he had so many things to worry about with his excited voice. We couldn’t even see the yolk clearly, so we didn’t ease our anxiety a little, but once we had a test tube, we couldn’t feel happy because we were able to shake off the fear of chemical miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy. I decided to get another injection of beans on the day of transplantation today. After receiving seven days’ worth of prolatex, vaginal tablets, and aspirin prescriptions again, she booked a pregnancy certificate for five weeks and two days after coming to the hospital next week and received a bean injection for more than an hour. On July 17, when my favorite numbers were full, the scheduled date of giving birth to our baby was also a very beautiful day, and when I came out after receiving medical treatment, it was a very beautiful first snow day. The first day I checked my baby’s house after the transplant, I didn’t know it was going to snow so beautifully··· Heaven seemed to bless my pregnancy. The day the baby came to our couple with the first snow ♡ It remained a really meaningful day. “Thank you, boy!” Thank you so much for coming to my mom and dad as beautiful as the first snow~ “Every moment of Power F was a happy and meaningful moment, and it was the day I came home muttering like a crazy woman in the car, laughing and crying repeatedly.


I was wondering about the pregnancy app registered as a baby, and now I can call it “Gurubok♡” I was wondering about the pregnancy app registered as a baby, and now I can call it “Gurubok♡”

I didn’t dream very well, and when I woke up, my memory was ambiguous, so I had a dream based on worries, fears, or mixed with various contents, so I sometimes had a good dream to look for it with strange clear memories. I had a dream that I thought was a fetal dream··· After dreaming of a cute baby boar playing with me before the second round of collection, we thought about it for a few days from the day we confirmed our pregnancy, and decided on the name of the baby boar with the desire of our couple to be born into a baby boar full of good fortune. Since we were still traumatized by three miscarriages, we were still in a state of anxiety, and we thought that even calling the name of the womb would be a waste of excitement, so we quietly called it out by ourselves and wrote it down in the diary··· Finally, on this day, “My Gourbok~” “Did you come with such a beautiful first snow?” he said to his mother for the first time, calling out the name of the womb. When I got home, I registered my baby on the app that I secretly downloaded in advance. I had to register my baby on this day because I might have to erase it again and it might break my heart when I delete it. In fact, I was worried many times about whether to register or not. Since we had miscarried three times without checking our hearts, we wondered if we should register at that time because we thought that we could feel a little relieved only by checking our hearts, but the joy, excitement, and my curiosity overcame the confusion. I didn’t dream very well, and when I woke up, my memory was ambiguous, so I had a dream based on worries, fears, or mixed with various contents, so I sometimes had a good dream to look for it with strange clear memories. I had a dream that I thought was a fetal dream··· After dreaming of a cute baby boar playing with me before the second round of collection, we thought about it for a few days from the day we confirmed our pregnancy, and decided on the name of the baby boar with the desire of our couple to be born into a baby boar full of good fortune. Since we were still traumatized by three miscarriages, we were still in a state of anxiety, and we thought that even calling the name of the womb would be a waste of excitement, so we quietly called it out by ourselves and wrote it down in the diary··· Finally, on this day, “My Gourbok~” “Did you come with such a beautiful first snow?” he said to his mother for the first time, calling out the name of the womb. When I got home, I registered my baby on the app that I secretly downloaded in advance. I had to register my baby on this day because I might have to erase it again and it might break my heart when I delete it. In fact, I was worried many times about whether to register or not. Since we had miscarried three times without checking our hearts, we wondered if we should register at that time because we thought that we could feel a little relieved only by checking our hearts, but the joy, excitement, and my curiosity overcame the confusion.

★ Summary ★ (11.08): Primary Examination > Test Results: 223 (Successful Doubling – Pregnancy Confirmation) / Prolutex, vaginal tablet, aspirin prescription for 2 days / 11.9 days / Solondo suspension (11.10) : 223 (Successful Doubling – Pregnancy Confirmation for 7 days) / Prolutex prescription for 7 days ★ Summary ★ (11.08): Primary Examination > Test Results: 223 (Successful Doubling – Pregnancy Confirmation) / Prolutex, vaginal tablet, aspirin prescription for 2 days / 11.9 days / Solondo suspension (11.10) : 223 (Successful Doubling – Pregnancy Confirmation for 7 days) / Prolutex prescription for 7 days

★Cost consolidation (+injection capacity) ★*Depending on the date of re-visit to the hospital, the date of calculation of the cost may vary due to the prescription number of days/drug capacity (reference information) ※ ★Cost consolidation (+injection capacity) ★*Depending on the date of re-visit to the hospital, the date of calculation of the cost may vary depending on the prescription number of days/drug capacity (reference information) *

Date Location/Content Cost Reference 11/8 Eye Hope (1st blood test + 2 days of prolatex injection) 35,900 won (35,900 won) Prolatex 25mg (28,000 won) 11/8 Yakzebi (12,550 won) (vaginal tablet, aspirin prescription) 11/10 Eye Hope (2nd blood test) (7 days of prolatex injection) 106,900 won (119,000 won), 027 won ● (within 13 weeks – 2 times) Pregnant women’s ultrasound ●● 1st out of 2 general health insurance benefits ● 11/17 Pharmaceutical expenses (vaginal tablets, aspirin prescription for 7 days) 40,380 won (vaginal suppository) (non-salary) Boryeong Hospital, 2611/920 won, total capsule / 1920 yen (1st blood test + prox) 28 won), 900 won, 10,0009,000 900 won, 10,0009,000 won, 100,000 lutex payment), 120 won (119,120 won), 25 mg of prolatex (non-98,000 won) 20% shares (50g/250ml) + other 5,513 won = 15,027 won ● (within 13 weeks – 2 times) Pregnant ultrasound ● 1st time out of 2 general health insurance benefits ●● 11/17 medicine (non-day prescription)


★Summary of results of transplantation of fresh secondary test tube treatment★Results of primary test: 106 (stable zone)Results of secondary test: 223 (double success) 11/17: Confirmation of the baby’s house (normal pregnancy confirmed) ★Summary of results of transplantation of fresh secondary test tube treatment★Results of primary test: 106 (stable zone)Results of secondary test: 223 (double success) 11/17: Confirmation of the baby’s house (normal pregnancy confirmed)


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