안녕하세요 여러분의 영어성장을 도와드리는 애라입니다 🙂 오늘은 숫자로 영어읽기 영어기수, 서수를 깔끔하게 정리해서 알려드리겠습니다 Let’s get started! 안녕하세요 여러분의 영어성장을 도와드리는 애라입니다 🙂 오늘은 숫자로 영어읽기 영어기수, 서수를 깔끔하게 정리해서 알려드리겠습니다 Let’s get started!

출처 OGQ, 쿨 퓨브릭 도메인 출처 OGQ, 쿨 퓨브릭 도메인

여기서 잠깐 퀴즈! 숫자 17=seventeenth는 서수일까요? 아니면 기수일까요? 여기서 잠깐 퀴즈! 숫자 17=seventeenth는 서수일까요? 아니면 기수일까요?
marcel_eberle, 출처 Unsplash marcel_eberle, 출처 Unsplash
First of all, what is the number in English? First of all, what is the number in English?
The cardinal number in English is the base number for representing a number! For example, one, two, three, four, five…etc, how do you read numbers in English I’ll teach you from one to twenty The cardinal number in English is the base number for representing a number! For example, one, two, three, four, five…etc, how do you read numbers in English I’ll teach you from one to twenty
communications, source/unflash communications, source/unflash
Let’s find out how to read the numbers in English from one to twenty 1 one2 two3 three4 four5 five6 six7 seven8 eight9 nine10 ten How to read English numbers 1 to 20 1 one2 two3 three4 four5 five6 six7 seven8 eight9 nine10 ten
rocinante_11, 출처 Unsplash rocinante_11, 출처 Unsplash
11. It’s 11:12:13. 13 14.14 15.15 16.16 17.17 18。 In 1819. 1920-20: 11. It’s 11:12:13. 13 14.14 15.15 16.16 17.17 18。 In 1819. 1920-20
출처 OGQ, Cool Public Domains 출처 OGQ, Cool Public Domains
Then, what is the ordinal number? Then, what is the ordinal number?
The ordinal number in English is simply the number used to order things like “first, second, third~”! For example, 1 = first 2 = second3 = third4 = four5 = fifth 6 = sixth7 = eventh8 = eigh9 & ninth10 & tenth * numbers are followed by th except for 1 to 3 for reference* The ordinal number in English is simply the number used to order things like “first, second, third~”! For example, 1 = first 2 = second3 = third4 = four5 = fifth 6 = sixth7 = eventh8 = eigh9 & ninth10 & tenth * numbers are followed by th except for 1 to 3 for reference*
출처 OGQ, Cool Public Domains 출처 OGQ, Cool Public Domains
추가로 서수 읽는법 11 부터 20 까지 알아보자 11 = 1112 = 1213 = 13th 14 = 4th 15 = 1616 = 1617 = 17th 18 = 18th Nineteenth. Nineteenth 20th. 20th 20s 추가로 서수 읽는법 11 부터 20 까지 알아보자 11 = 1112 = 1213 = 13th 14 = 4th 15 = 1616 = 1617 = 17th 18 = 18th Nineteenth. Nineteenth 20th. 20th 20s
출처 OGQ, Cool Public Domains 출처 OGQ, Cool Public Domains
Today, I talked about the difference between reading English numbers and ordinal vs. period, but was it helpful? ^^ Today, I talked about the difference between reading English numbers and ordinal vs. period, but was it helpful? ^^